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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cold Soda Never Tasted So Good.

Amy got an update from Joel yesterday (Monday). Sunday was their biggest hiking day so far... they went 17 miles! They were very happy with it. YEAH!!
Blister update:
Joel is still blister free (go Joel's feet!!), and his dad still has them, but they're becoming manageable. Praying for feet is sort of awkward, but it seems to be working!

Two highlights from the past week or so:
1. There are these things on the trails called "water caches." Basically, lovely people from areas around the PCT come and stash fresh water in specific locations so they don't have to hike so far between available water. The caches are pretty hit or miss, but they've been to two water-caches and BOTH had water. EVEN BETTER - the second one had ice cold soda... like the person literally JUST put a case of cold soda up there for the hikers (remember how hot it's been??) and Joel and David were the first to get to it! Joel said it was amazing and he had two sodas right then and there.
Non-soda drinking Joel+two cold pure sugar sodas=happy.
2. They were able to stop off the trail at a little town and get a "real" (aka non pack food) meal. Hamburger and fries all the way. Joel even got to wash his feet in a public bathroom. Simple pleasures.

Just keep them coming. Joel said he really feels encouraged that nothing has gone wrong for him yet. A number of hikers who started at the same time have already had to quit because of the heat or because of injury, etc. Joel knows the fact that things are going so well isn't luck, it's prayers - so keep them coming!!!


  1. we're still praying and thinking about you up in Fargo!

  2. One day at a time, guys. Keep on hiking!
    I love you both!

  3. Thursday 4/30
    Thinking about you and praying for you as David gets ready to head home in just a little while. Hope these last days together are wonderful!
