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Friday, May 15, 2009

Resting in Wrightwood

Greetings all ye encouraging blog readers!

I have now hiked about 370 miles and am in Wrightwood, CA, staying with Ray and Susan and their kids Noah and Logan. Ray and Susan are local "trail angels" - a term that denotes people who help out hikers. They're really friendly people, and welcomed in myself and a few other hikers like family.

Yesterday I got into town and shortly after I met Ray he got a call to come help pack lunches for firefighters who are working on putting out some fires north of here a couple hundred miles. I went down too to help out for the afternoon, and boy was I surprised. I was expecting a few people making a few lunches. What I found was about a dozen people working at the local grocery store packing 2000 lunches! I helped for about 3.5 hours and we got through about half of the lunches while I was there. It was a lot of work but I was happy to be able to help out in the community a little bit, especially since Ray, Susan, and the whole town in general is very friendly to hikers.

As I'm getting in better shape I'm being able to hike more miles with less effort, which is really nice. I've been doing close to 20 miles on most days, and it feels great to be capable of hiking uphill for several hours without needing to stop and rest.

Amy sent me some pictures of the flowers coming up at our house and of our dog Lami hunting squirrels in the back yard. Seeing the pictures made me miss being home, but overall I'm doing well. My body is holding up, which is great considering how many hikers are having significant problems with blisters, joints, and so forth. Some days are a lot of work and not much fun, but most days are good and some are wonderful.

Thanks a lot for your blog comments, prayers, and notes of encouragement. It's great knowing that so many people are cheering me on.



  1. Dear Joelski,

    Great to hear you are doing well, and that 20 miles a day is not a big stretch. A definite improvement from the first 180 miles, eh? If I were still hiking, I would be in either really good shape, or really bad shape. We'll assume the former.

    Running into any of the Campo-to-Idyllwild crew? If so, say "hi" for me.

    Anxious to talk more and/or hear more whenever.



  2. Hi, Joel --

    Hiking uphill for several hours without needing to stop and rest? I am impressed -- and so glad to hear you're getting stronger as you go. My thoughts and prayers go with you.

    Love, Suzanne

  3. Hi Joel --

    So glad to hear you are doing well. You have been walking a long time now! I will be praying about the shoes and finding a pair that fits well and holds up. One day at a time.


  4. Broage-

    Hope all is going well with you! I'm glad to hear that you're body is holding up. And super jealous that you're going to be one lean mean not such a fighting machine after you get done! Thinking about you a lot. Keep up the amazing job!

    -The fargo crew-

  5. Hi Joel --
    It is still cool enough here to need a jacket when you go outside. Yesterday morning it was 37 degrees when I got up! Think about that as you head into more heat! This week it is going to warm up some though, so maybe we will actually know it is summer. Praying --
    One day at a time.
    Love, Mom

  6. Dear Joelski,

    So did you feel the earthquake the other day? 4.7 on the Richter scale, so not major. Maybe the heat affected any sensation of anything else. Wrightwood had a record temp of 101 Sunday.

    Looks like you will make Hiker Heaven soon. Hope you can get your shoe issue taken care of.



  7. Please tell Joel we are following him and praying for him.

    I know it is a surprise – but I don’t know how to “blog”.

    I would like him to know that we are interested and following and praying.

    Kent Rodelius

  8. Dear Joel,

    Your trip sounds amazing and I'm definitely a tad bit jealous that you are doing this-and inspired.

    Keep on keepin on, as we say here! I'll be thinking of you.

