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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oregon at last

Greetings supportive blog readers!

I am currently in Bend at the home of Brian and Lindsey. Brian is a fellow hiker who was unfortunately forced off the trail due to injury, but who invited me to come stay with him when I got near Bend. I've had a shower, slept in a real bed, and ate dinner last night at a dining room table. Being in a real house while in town instead of at a motel has been wonderful.

Northern California was pretty rough on me. It was hot, there were lots of bugs, the terrain was not terribly interesting, and I'd been hiking for three months and was still in the same state. Many other hikers had an equally difficult time, and I know a handful who just couldn't take it anymore and quit. However, the good news is that I'm now in Oregon! I got a pretty big mental and emotional lift crossing the border out of California - it's amazing what an arbitrary invisible line drawn by polititians hundreds of years ago can do to lift your spirits.

So far I've enjoyed Oregon quite a bit. There have been more mosquitos, rain, and cold than I was anticipating, but the scenery has been beautiful. Crater Lake was breathtaking, and the whole Three Sisters Wilderness was great as well with lots of mountain meadows, wildflowers, small streams, and majestic trees.

This afternoon Brian is bringing me back to the trail, and then in just two days my friends Sam and Natalia (who are maintaining this blog site) and Tom and Andrea are picking me up and bringing me to Portland to meet Amy! I'll be off trail for three or four days while she's here, so if you don't see the SPOT icons update that's why.

Also, I just crossed the 2000 mile mark! I'm at mile 2007, which means that I have less than 700 miles to go. If all goes well, I should be finishing the trail the third or fourth week in September.

Thanks a lot for all your comments of encouragement. I read them all, and once even called Amy and had her read the new ones to me over the phone. It really means a lot to me to have so many friends back home cheering me on.



  1. Finally in Oregon! Yeah for you! Not too much longer, Joel. Less than 700 miles. Same as nothing!! And soon you will see your dear wife. That must really be something to look forward to. Miss you lots. Still praying!
    Love, Mom

  2. posted for Laurel.

    Dear Joel,

    I've been a silent blog reader, but this morning before leaving for a tour,
    I caught up a bit and will finally write. Congratulations for getting to
    Oregon!!!! I walked a couple of miles last night for some exercise. So
    this morning I calculated. Just in my head. If I'm thinking correctly, at
    that pace it would take me 3 1/2 years to walk what you'll walk in a matter
    of months. It blows my mind. Then I look at the pictures. Hiking through
    the snow. Crossing rivers. Sleeping on the trail. I'm going to treasure
    my comfortable bed in Green Bay tonight, and tomorrow I will savor a
    breakfast made by someone else. And all day today I am going to ride. I
    won't feel lazy, really, but your endurance is certainly impressive. Will
    continue to pray for your safety and for a successful completion of your

    Laurel Johnson

  3. Congrats Mr "Leave James in charge of chaos"! :) I remember Crater Lake only slightly from when I was a kid but I bet you got to see a very cool part of it. Keep it up! You need to keep putting miles on your boots so I win the office pool! Come back and see all the fun stuff I did with the office software. (and save me from it!) Stay strong man.

