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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Official PCT Joke

Greetings ever-insightful blog readers!

I would like to share with you the semi-official PCT trail joke:

Question: How do you make thru-hikers laugh?
Answer: Tell them you have a plan.

Today I'm in the town of Lake Isabella. I didn't plan to come here, but I was on schedule to enter the Sierras earlier than recommended and I ran into a group of people who all had a ride into town, so on a whim I decided to go into town with them to take a day off. If you know me well, you'll know that "Joel" and "on a whim" rarely are found in the same sentence. However, I'm starting to learn to be flexible and go with the flow rather than try to plan in detail and then execute my plan without deviation. It's difficult for me, but I'm happy to be stretched as I believe it will make me a better person. If I just come out here and have a grand ol' adventure but don't learn and grow through the experience then the whole thing is a bit of a waste in my eyes.

So here I am in Lake Isabella. I have 50 more miles to Kennedy Meadows, which I will hike Wednesday through Friday. I'll then rest again at Kennedy Meadows for a day or so while I repack food and some new gear for the Sierras before I head into the mountains. Yesterday I caught my first glimpse of the jagged peaks of the Sierras, and I'm really excited to get out of the desert and into the rougher terrain!

In the last few days we've had some thunderstorms come through. I was on the edge of most of them and only got drizzled on, but some other people I am in town with got half-inch hail. I discovered that my ponco tarp is not as well vented as I thought, and I got really hot and sweaty hiking with it on. I might have to switch it out for something else before I get to Washington where it rains a lot more.

The other fun story from this last section is that a few days ago I hiked 25 miles to the place I was hoping to camp, and when I arrived I saw a sign that said "Trail Magic: 2 more miles." I flew through the 26th and 27th miles, and found a small group of former hikers who had set up at a road and were feeding hikers. I ate a huge dinner of pasta and meatballs and fruit, then got up in the morning and ate a huge breakfast of french toast and hash browns, and then made sandwiches to take on the road with me. We also sat around a campfire and sang songs and talked. It was a really fun break from normal trail camping.

Once I get through the next 50 miles I have no idea what to expect as far as phone and internet access, but I'll try to update the blog myself when I can or at least call my wife and give her an update that she can type up. I've also sent home a few more memory cards, so there should be more pictures up soon.



  1. So...do you have a plan? Just plan to be flexible, I guess, huh? After 5 months of being flexible, you might be a different person altogether. You might not recognize yourself.

    Cool trail magic! Some great people out there.

    Have a super time in the Sierras. Can't wait to see a picture of you at the summit of Mount Whitney!



  2. Thanks for your journal posting. This will be a high point in your life and I am gratefull (and envious!) for you sharing it. I'll keep checking in.
    Leon Motz (James' Dad) <><

  3. Joel, I'm impressed. Way to be flexible. love reading your blog. ~pz
